Rewrite number i forgot: Astro time
Joe many rewrites does it take to be enjoy this ign????? None , their to busy ???? Their frameworks😂😂😂😂😂
Rewrite number i forgot: Astro time
ok so the older site’s css actually sucked and i did it on a simpler way
Why astro?
idk I wanted to try it for a while and i kept saying i’ll do it later until now
It took a while to get my brain going because the default template made it 3 times more confusing, so i used the empty one after that, but once i got going it was surprisingly easy
ok so first i tried using the .astro files for everything, until i remembered that i could do markdown files for the normal pages, which then turns out I could also just use .mdx
files and get the simplicity of markdown and the things from astro (which is pretty cool!!)
It was pretty nice!! The documentation (and the blog tutorial) was really helpful compared to other things, i guess the experience from other SSGs also helped
Astro might be overkill for this site, but i had fun writing this site and that’s what matters, here’s the screenshot, and bye!!