go back 21/06/24

the first one!!

hi!!!! this is my first "blog-thing" thing i think, so let's go with the stuff i've done for the first half of june!!!

things are going fine, i've done an OBSCurrentSong-like thing but for last.fm since that one is exclusively for spotify and i wanted to do it on something else!!! here's the link, and here's a demostration video!

i also remade the main site!! i'm more content on how this one looks, and it started using this thing that i found on the nekoweb discord server for showing what i'm listening to, it's pretty cool i think (thanks tepiloxtl!!)

Idk why but i'm thinking about getting a domain for some reason, like i don't even know what am i gonna do with it but i just feel like it would be cool to have one

I'm also thinking about installing linux again, maybe there'll be an update on that!! (if i don't forget to do it)

And for the final thing, I also got to E05 on TMNF!!! (some tracks were horrible), i'm NOT doing it because it's 1 hour long but i got there!!!